Saturday, December 14, 2013


Good morning SNOW !
Its been snowing all night and we are enjoying it today!
After a very short walk in the snow we agreed that we needed warmer clothes..though we've maxed out how many layers we can fit under these big jackets. So we went shopping for 'heat tech' clothing to create a warm base :) almost 3 hours later we emerged with plenty of warm layers!

Back on the street the snow was still falling!
 This is the giant UNICEF snowflake that hangs at the intersection of 57th and Fifth Avenue (with Tiffany & Co also sparkling  in the background there)
The Halal food cart operators need to be commended for their commitment even though all their product was covered with snow. Haha!
 Look at the nuts!!
 Even though the sun was down (it was still only afternoon!) we still went to play in Central Park.
 Ticking off the important things to do in the snow: 
 Snow Angel!
 Snow Man!
 We're just chillin out 
 It was so chilly we needed to defrost...with Bloomingdales.
 Literally across the road was Anassa Taverna, I had gazed in the window most nights as we walked home from the subway..and as the snow was still falling (and hard!) tonight we stopped to enjoy dinner by candle light.
 Eventually we accepted that it wasn't stopping anytime soon and we would need to walk home...though we seriously love it (apart from being cold)
And we couldn't help but have a snow fight on the way home!!
 We've just heard the snow plows drive down our street, 3 times in the last half hour!
They are all working hard throughout the night as the snow storm is turning to an 'icy mix' and is making the roads very slippery.

B + N


  1. It's amazing -3 there and snowing and 30c here and sleeping with just a sheet on. So happy for you both with the massive snow fall. Just finished beer club and all good. Ducky joined us. It looks like so much fun!! Xx

    1. We are literally on the other side of the world! And there is soooo much snow, its ridiculous (and fantastic!)

  2. Oh the snow is so pretty!
    (And so are you)
    It was great to see lots of snow pics....hard to believe as Dad said....when it's so warm here. You'll find it o warm when you return home. Love seeing your front door too!
    Wish we were all in Bloomingdales or that nice little restaurant. Looks so good....everything! Glad you're having a super time. Stay warm, hope the thermals work :)
    Love you got your white Christmas already ����⛄️❄️ �� Mum xx

    1. We can't wait to feel warm again! (Well we can wait, but we are definitely looking forward to it)

  3. Wow Wow Wow...each time we look at these pics we are just amazed by the wonderful "stories" & photos......thankyou both.We love it when we see you both in a photo & all the pics of the Big Chrissy Beautiful.Love & Hugs to you both Aunty Leah Uncle Michael & Thomas Xx
