Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Gooooooooodmorning from a -3ºC Battery Park
We woke up early this morning and caught the subway downtown to visit Lady Liberty.
Nath got an excellent picture from the ferry :) you can tell it's legit because of the lovely stain down the side from whoever had the window seat before him haha!
 I also got an excellent shot of her....
The weather is taking its toll on everyone!

First stop was the Liberty Cafe for hot chocolates as the wind was freezing...though we couldn't have wished for a prettier day. The sun was shining and there was hardly a cloud in the sky!
We attempted many many selfie's..trying to fit in the snow and Statue..
Eventually a lovely couple pitied us and kindly offered to talk a nice one of the three of us :) yay!
 Nath enjoying the view of Manhattan...whilst passers by enjoyed the look of him in a 'coon hat and crown!
 Back in Manhattan we visited the 9/11 Memorial Centre which is amazing, and devastating. Its so hard to imgine New York with the Twin they have been gone for so much of my life, but the legacy lives on. 
The new One Trade Tower is massive looming over downtown Manhattan and the projected towers that will join it look to be spectacular.    
A quick pit-stop at Macca's to refuel before Madame Tussauds!
 Where we met royalty!
Nath got a blessing from the Pope..who was probably the most realistic wax model there, it was incredible!
 Pondered life with Mr. Ford
 Little Madame Tussaud herself.
 Ran for President...
 Got defeated by Nathan!
 Experienced 'New York' in New York haha!
So. Many. Wax. Celebrities.
 Nath may have found his true calling in life...*NSYNC missed out
We also saw a 4D movie about the Avengers, so good!
It was a massive day!
Best reward though? Caramel Cookie Crunch Ice Cream in bed!
We never want this holiday to end!!

B + N


  1. So many great photos!!!!
    Love that your doing the tourist thing now with Nath....glad to see new green 'liberty headwear' the one you left here on the Christmas tree has spent too long upstairs in the's had it. Maybe I can toss it now you have a new one?!
    I love that you got to meet Kate, she looks happy to see you....where was their baby??? Haha
    Big fun days!!! Love it, sleep sweet and enjoy tomorrow.
    PS need a new photo of your Christmas tree!! �� love Mum xx

  2. Minus 3????
    It looks so bright, sunny and beautiful!
    But you are rugged up :)
    Love having you both M xx

    1. The weather man describes it as a 'pretty looking day' it's shocking how cold it can be even in the sun!

  3. Ooops! Love you both Mum xx
    (That's what the last one should have read!!)

  4. Looking good in those statue hats. The IT crowd had them on the other day haha. Love the coon hat mate!! Good to see Maccas getting a run as well as the fancy stuff.

  5. That would have been a small coke I'm guessing haha. Hope you are both feeling. Better xxx
