Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hi there!
Today we decided to explore the Museum of Natural History, which is just on the opposite side of Central Park to we walked :)
On the way we discovered Yogurtland! Yum! Frozen yogurt for breakfast? Don't mind if we do.
 The weather was warming up ('warm' = anything above 0ºC...and I think we hit 6ºC!) so we ate our yogurt walking through the park. There was still snow throughout the park, but it's nowhere near as nice as when it was literally snowing.
 Here's the 'lake' from Stuart Little...not fantastic for model boat racing today though ;)
As we continued to wander across the park we stumbled upon this little squirrel. Normally they're pretty twitchy and don't let you get too close (especially when they have a nut!) but this one literally crept right up to us. So strange, it was really hard to take a picture, I didn't want to move because it was so cool that a squirrel came so close, and also, I was slightly freaking out! Haha! Straight after this I screamed and we ran did the squirrel.
Aww, look at this little guy! So cute!
 Finally we arrived at the Museum. It's pretty similar to the movie 'Night at the Museum' which is fun.
 Super scary leopard man..lucky he is just a model!
 Feeling hungry we thought we'd visit 'Grays Papaya' which is a well known hotdog joint on the Upper West Side. They had a ridiculously cheap hotdog and drink deal we couldn't resist :)
 After our snack break we went back to the Museum to hang out with all the dinosaurs.

 and bears!
 A whole day at the museum, you were right dad! We could have spent so much more time there, but by the time they kicked us out we were pretty exhausted.
 Cinnamon pretzel nuggets will soon fix that though!
 Next up was 'First Date' a hilarious musical starring Zachary Levi (who is Chuck from the TV show 'Chuck') It was very funny, and without an intermission we had time to get dinner in Times Square!
 Well not actually 'in' it, but very close by and the restaurant estimated 45ish minutes on a wait...but we were allowed to wait that out on the red stairs. Winning! 
 We timed it almost perfectly wandering back into the 'The Olive Garden' as they called our names :D Happy as larry!
Very, very, very full...we practically rolled from dinner to the subway to bed!

B + N


  1. You even make a full day in a museum appear fun!
    Love the food options. Uncle Gray would like 'Grays Papaya' I think! Well maybe not the hotdog but definitely the name!
    More shows! More food

  2. Yeeeeaaaaah!! You went to the museum!! Good on you haha. What an incredible place, you could do a whole movie there (hang on they did) or two.

  3. Yogurt land for breakfast? NYC fair enough. And you still managed to fit a show in.

  4. Comments locking up again sorry, beautiful blogs!! I'm not sure about that leopard weird . Cinnamon pretzel nuggets haha. That last meal looks like a true American size . Hope you slept well. (Don't forget the Guggenheim it must be just around the corner from where you are? Xxx
